Our vendors help us provide residents with the quality of life they want and deserve, and we are always interested in forming new partnerships. Read the information on this page to find out more about how to become a vendor for USA Multifamily Management, working with us to help maintain and improve our current communities.
This page also has information for existing vendors about how to submit invoices for payment.
Please note, this does not apply to vendors working with USA Construction Management, or USA Properties Fund, Inc. on communities in development or under construction. To be considered for those projects, please use our contact form.
Getting started
No matter what type of service you provide, we request that you complete our online registration form to provide us with basic information about your business, including a current W-9. Click here to access this form.
We review your information, and email an invitation so you can create an account with our partner, Yardi VendorCafe, an online portal allowing you to directly submit invoices, check payment status, and keep your company information up to date. Registering for Vendor Cafe also adds your company to a database used by other property management companies, which can help you add new customers.
Submitting the online form and becoming an authorized vendor does not guarantee you will be extended an agreement to do business with USA Multifamily Management, Inc.
Special information for those working on-site
If you will be working on-site at one of our communities, there are insurance requirements you must follow. Depending on the type of services you perform, there may also be licensing requirements. Our requirements are in place to help ensure that your business, our business, and our residents are protected in the unfortunate event an accident occurs.
We have partnered with Yardi VendorCafe with VendorShield to help manage and track these requirements. As part of our registration process, Yardi VendorShield agents will contact your insurance agents directly to verify documentation. They will also reach out directly each year prior to your policy expiration date, to obtain updated information and prevent any service disruptions. There is a registration fee, payable directly to Yardi VendorShield.
Once insurance requirements are received and validated, you will become an authorized vendor, able to perform work at our communities.
Click here to download a PDF with details about insurance and license requirements.
How to submit invoices
To ensure that your invoice can be processed, please include the name of the community and/or the community address where services were performed. Please use the complete name, i.e. Terracina at Park Meadows, as some of our properties have similar names.
There are three ways you can submit invoices for payment.
First, you can submit the invoice directly through your Yardi Vendor Cafe account. This is usually the fastest way to submit your invoice for payment.
Second, you can submit your invoice by email. Click here for instructions. Please ensure you follow all instructions to ensure that your invoice can be processed. Sending your invoice via email will add 3-4 business days to total processing time.
Finally, you can submit your invoice by regular mail. This will increase total processing time depending on the speed of mail delivery.
Send your invoice by mail to:
PO Box 82892
Goleta, CA 93118-2690
We ask that you only submit your invoice via one method.
You can check payment status through your Vendor Cafe portal, or by contacting the manager of the community where work was performed.